Do you prefer to grow a plant from seeds or a mature seedling? The popular opinion is starting from a ready seedling to avoid the delicate phase of growing seeds. But, contrary to popular opinion, it’s easy to start growing indoor plants from seeds. 

Now, if you are up to the challenge and want indoor plants you can grow from seeds, then you are in the right place. 

The best indoor plants you can grow from seeds

Asparagus Fern

The scientific name of this plant is Asparagus setaceus. It grows like a true fern; its stems create leaves that look like small branches. 

You can purchase the seeds from a local store. Soak them overnight, then sow them in pots or deep trays. The seeds start to germinate in 3–7 weeks after planting. Keep the room temperature about 70 – 80 degrees F until they germinate. 


Most people believe that you can’t grow a cactus plant from seeds. This is one of the indoor plants you can grow from seeds because it is cheap. 

The only disadvantage is that it takes time to grow. However, you can pick the species of cacti that you want and grow them indoors. When planting, mix the soil with compost to add texture. 

Place a bag on top of the pot to prevent moisture from escaping. After a few weeks, it will start to sprout. Remove the bag when it starts to sprout. Water the soil to make it mist and leave the seedling to grow. 

Peace Lily

The peace lily is also known as Spathiphyllum wallisii. It contains white, beautiful flowers that most gardeners love. 

The seeds usually take about one week to germinate. When the seeds are ready, they will turn yellow and get softer. After that, you have to wait for the plant to grow. It usually takes years for the plant to mature. 

They don’t have a specific period of planting. You can sow them any time of the year. 

African violet

African violet is another common indoor plant you can grow from seeds. Its family has about 20 species to choose from. 

Most people prefer to start from cuttings, but if you are ambitious and fun, you can start from seeds. For soil, you can use pasteurized peat moss, perlite, milled coconut, or other potting soil. 

When growing the seeds, provide them with enough light. Give them about 12 to 14 hours of light each day. You can use a grow light. 

English Ivy

The plant is the best when creating an indoor ambience; it fits any type of room. It grows fast, even from seeds. 

Before you plant the seeds, ensure that you dry them thoroughly. Then place them in water overnight. This will make them germinate faster. Then plant them in the soil, giving an appropriate amount of water which keeps the soil moist. 


Marigold is a beautiful flower that you can grow indoors and outdoors. It’s known for its beautiful yellow flowers that can attract pollinators. It also can keep pests away from your garden. 

Ensure you start planting the seeds 8 to 10 weeks before spring. That way, you can transplant them in early spring. 


Coleus is an excellent indoor plant to grow from seeds. It has tiny seeds, and you must be careful when handling them. 

The downside is that it takes a long time for the seeds to mature. You need at least 8 – 10 weeks before they are ready for transplanting. 

Living stone

The plant is scientifically known as Lithops. It is small and colorful and can give you the impression of pebbles. 

Once you plant the seeds, they can take anywhere from 2 to 10 weeks before they are ready for transplanting. They grow well in well-draining soil and an area with direct sunlight. 


Lavender is a beautiful plant with purple flowers. It’s also a good indoor plant you can grow from seeds. 

The seeds take about 1 to 2 weeks to grow. When caring for the seeds, give them about 5 – 6 hours of sunlight daily. 


Basil is a herb or vegetable that you can grow indoors from seeds. There are many varieties of basil, including green and purple basil. You can choose the variety of your choice. 

The seeds take about 6 to 8 weeks before they are ready for transplanting. Because the plant doesn’t like cold, ensure the room temperature is appropriate for germinating. 

Bizzy Lizzies (Impatiens)

The Impatiens are classic outdoors, but you also can grow them indoors. The plant comes in various colors: pink, white, red, white, and lilac. 

The seeds take about 2 to 3 weeks to germinate. Once they are ready, transplant them to a permanent position. Avoid moving them from one location to another because they are temperamental and can stop growing if disturbed. 

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum)

Nasturtiums are easy plants to grow indoors from seeds. You can also grow the seeds outdoors in a garden. 

This is for you if you want a plant hanging from the pot. You can suspend them in a hanging basket or a pendulum indoors. They come in a variety of colors and are eye-catching. They make the perfect plants for decorating a room. 

The seeds take about 3 to 4 weeks to germinate. Provide them with sunlight and water during the germinating period. 

Cat Grass

It is known as cat grass because cats love eating this plant. It’s easy to grow indoors from seeds. The leaves are light, with a feathery texture when you touch them. 

Use a shallow, slim container with drainage holes to grow cat grass seeds. Fill potting soil in the container and wet the soil. Add the soil on the top, covering them lightly with the soil. Then place the container in an area with indirect sunlight. Cover the container with a bag to maintain the temperature and moisture. 

After 2 to 3 weeks, the seeds will germinate. Remove the bag and move the container to an area with more sunlight. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest plant to grow indoors from a seed? 

The easiest plant you can grow indoors from seeds is Chamomile. It’s easy to grow and care for. It can grow within a week, and all you have to do is add water and give it light. 

How long do houseplants take to grow from seeds?

Houseplants can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. Some can take longer, depending on the growing conditions and the species you have. 

How many seeds do I need to start indoors?

To grow seeds indoors, you must have enough seeds so that each pot has 2 – 3 seeds. The purpose of adding more than one seed in a pot is to ensure that one of them sprouts. If all sprout, you can do thinning, whereby you remove the weak seedlings leaving healthy ones to continue growing. 

Do seedlings require direct sunlight?

Because seedlings are small and weak, avoid placing them in direct sunlight or windy areas. If you want to transplant outdoors, and it is sunny, you can train them to adapt to the sunny conditions. 

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